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Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

For years you've dreamed about the fun you'll have when you retire. As that time gets closer, are you financially prepared to make those dreams come true? An IRA from Trona Valley can make the difference!

We offer several different options, each with special tax benefits and advantages. Take a look at our IRA accounts and let us know how we can help you start saving for your future.

Traditional IRA

A traditional IRA is an invaluable financial tool for the purpose of saving and investing for retirement. With a traditional IRA, your money grows tax-deferred until you withdraw the funds.

Features & Benefits

  • Dividend earnings are tax deferred until withdrawal
  • Available as share account or certificate
  • Contributions are tax deductible*
  • Maximum contribution of $5,500 per year
  • Additional $1,000 "catch-up" contribution allowed for ages 50+
  • Early withdrawals subject to penalty*
  • Penalty-free withdrawals may begin at age 59½
  • Mandatory withdrawals begin at age 70½
  • NCUA insured up to $250,000

IRA Share Certificate

A share certificate is similar to savings account in that they are federally insured and thus virtually risk-free. They are different from savings accounts in that they have a fixed term and usually a fixed interest rate. It is intended that the share certificate be held until maturity, at which time the money may be withdrawn together with the accrued interest. There are no fees, but a penalty is charged for early withdrawal.

*Certain exceptions apply.

Roth IRA

A Roth IRA is a powerful way to help you plan for and enjoy your retirement. Like a traditional IRA, Roth IRAs allow annual contributions up to $5,000. However, Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible, but your money grows tax free.

Features & Benefits

  • Dividend earnings are tax free
  • Contributions are NOT tax deductible
  • Available as share account or certificate
  • Maximum contribution of $5,500 per year
  • Additional $1,000 "catch-up" contribution allowed for ages 50
  • Principal can be withdrawn penalty-free
  • Withdrawals of earnings can begin at age 59½
  • Early withdrawals subject to penalty*
  • No mandatory withdrawals

IRA Share Certificate

A share certificate is similar to savings account in that they are federally insured and thus virtually risk-free. They are different from savings accounts in that they have a fixed term and usually a fixed interest rate. It is intended that the share certificate be held until maturity, at which time the money may be withdrawn together with the accrued interest. There are no fees, but a penalty is charged for early withdrawal.

*Certain exceptions apply.